Finding the nest, or at least determining where it isn't is the primary goal of the inspection. One way to prevent ants from foraging or nesting indoors is to build them out through proper design and exclusion techniques. Sanitation is also one of the best ways for people to prevent ant problems. Mitebuster implements the use of barrier treatments, residual insecticides and baiting to treat the pest.
We Provide Fast and Effective Ant Extermination in NJ.
Ants are nuisance pests, which can infest homes by the thousands. Do you need to get rid of Ants in NJ ?
We can provide you with an effective Ant exterminator! Feel Free to contact us right now!
Our specialists will come to you quickly and will provide an immediate solution to you Ant problem!
Ants undergo complete metamorphosis, which means that there are four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Unlike in gradual metamorphosis, the immature stages in complete metamorphosis do not resemble the adults. Most people will only encounter adult ants. The eggs, larva, and pupae (collectively called the "brood") are kept safe and out of site in an ant colony, where they are gaurded and tended by adult worker ants. Understanding it is the key to successful ant control.
The fear of having thousands of ants show up in a lunchroom, kitchen or workspace is intolerable and can cause an
immediate response if even one ant is seen which will require a professional Ant exterminator.
The presence of an ant in our home, office or work environment seems to trigger an emergency alarm in most people!
And we'll do a free ant inspection & quote on-site.